Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Summer Meadow/ Remote Benevolence

This painting by Silvia Williams seems to be in motion -- The sky slanting down toward the flowers; the flowers leaning toward the sky. Wouldn't it be nice to step into this meadow?
Remote Benevolence

Across the day's page
...................... the sun script slants the lavender reaches:
the blood of the ground
............................ pulses inside rusty racemes.
Hunger for light -
.......can we grasp its must?
................What does the flower tell
the sun as it swallows?
.............The sun tells no one
what it knows:
The one who is most absent
is most present.


  1. Am most taken with the comments on the painting as well as the poem. I can feel the absence, too. There are ethereal qualities to the lines of the poem.Is there an element of loneliness in the painting? Silvia

  2. I would not call it loneliness. There is an element of distance or apartness. There is a strong sensation of being apart and seeing the scene. I think it enlivens the scene and helps it stand out as a presence-in-itelf, which adds to the beauty of the painting.

  3. What a lovely poem - so fitting the painting.

  4. I like the poem, James. Great metaphors. Am honored my painting inspired such beautiful words. Silvia
